Nez'z Plaze

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Can't Handle All the Heatz

It's bloody hot in here.

I'm seriously considering taking some ice to bed with me. Also, all this humidity is making my hair HUGE!

Morgs, you need to come home so we can go cool off by walking in the fountains. Also, we need to take Oreo with us next time.

I think the time has come for a break. I need a change of pace. Something slower. Thank goodness my holidays are coming up. Some days it's just so hard to get up. (That might have something to do with my lack of going to bed at a decent hour, but who knows?)

And I'm getting damn tired of being broke.

Damn, it's hot in here. Apparently having the windows open is not helping. I need to get me a fan or something.

Well, on the upside, I've finally seen all of Ranma 1/2 Season 1. Good for me.

That strawberry ice cream in my freezer can't even save me now. I'm uncomfortably hot.

Alright, enough complaining about the heat. I'm going to change into something less warm and try to get some sleep!

Thanks for listening to my random ramblings!


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