Nez'z Plaze

Friday, October 06, 2006

MSNversation with Nez

This conversation was too wierd and wonderful not to share...

I was talking with a very good friend of mine on MSN. She was talking about work (I won't tell you where she works, so let's just call it BarStucks...)

Wahoo says:
but it feeds my addiction, so at least I'm not losing money

Wahoo says:

Nezbitt says:
i should work at booster juice and the marble slab

Nezbitt says:
i'd be 700 pounds

Wahoo says:
you should... I don't know what you're thinking not working there

Nezbitt says:
700 pounds!!!!

Wahoo says:
700 ISH... give or take

Nezbitt says:
well, it IS a rough estimate

Wahoo says:
if you hit 800 they won't make you leave your house anymore... they'll feed you booster juice and marble slab through a straw

Nezbitt says:
well... as long as it's not at the same time... my bowels would never forgive me

Wahoo says:
neither would the people manning the straws

Nezbitt says:
Hey, those are well-paid, highly trained Straw Technicians!

Wahoo says:
it's true, however, you do not have license to traumatize them... their training did not equip them for trauma.

Nezbitt says:
That's a Masters Level course. very expensive.

Wahoo says:
yes... and they just can't afford it... there is not enough work for straw technicians for them to afford that course

Nezbitt says:
well, if they hadn't flooded the job market, they wouldn't all be struggling for work

Nezbitt says:
it's just too easy to be a Straw Tech these days

Wahoo says:
you realize that you could help them out by working at Booster Juice and Marble Slab and becoming 700+ lbs...

Wahoo says:
their fate is in your hands

Nezbitt says:
and so would be my butt

Wahoo says:
Long Live the Straw Techies, I say! Long Live the Straw Techies!

Nezbitt says:
Expensive Degrees for everyone!!!

Wahoo says:
Here, here!

Nezbitt says:

Wahoo says:

There you have it. I'm officially insane.

And so are my friends.


  • that is both warped and awesome!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:27 a.m.  

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