Nez'z Plaze

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Rhedd, this is everyone.

Everyone, this is Rhedd.

Well, what do you think?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Saying Goodbyz

It's not what you think.

O.k. I love my car. I love her. She's awesome.

And she's dying.

She burns oil, the fan belt has started to squeak again, sometimes it takes a few tries to get her started in the morning, she's rusted right through on the driver's door, she stalls if she's too cold, she's gone through I don't know how many O2 sensors and (this one is new) she blows a fuse when I put the right signal light on.

It's time to let go. I know.

But she was a good little car; and, for the most part, quite reliable.

I will probably have her replaced by the end of next week.

In the meantime, I'm going to figure out how to get around the city with only left turns.